Course Material
Course material used in my HCI classes can be found at: (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The material is based on the material from (CC BY-SA 4.0) and also contains a collection of web-based tools to support user studies in classes of human-computer interaction (HCI), student projects, and theses. The toolkit has been published at:
The HCI User Studies Toolkit: Supporting Study Designing and Planning for Undergraduates and Novice Researchers in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23), ACM, 2023.
Lecture History
- SS23 – WS23/24: Project: Intelligent Systems Evaluation SS23 (PDF)
- SS23: Project: Informatics Evaluation SS23 (PDF)
- SS21 – SS23: Computergraphics (Bachelor)
- SS20 – WS23/24: Human-Machine Interaction (Master) Evaluation SS20 (PDF) / Evaluation SS23 (PDF)
- WS21/22 – WS23/24: Human-Computer Interaction (Bachelor)
- WS20/21: Advanced OOP Programming with Java (Bachelor) Evaluation Lecture WS20/21 (PDF) / Evaluation Exercises WS20/21 (PDF)
- SS20 – WS 20/21: Seminar Intelligent User Interfaces (Bachelor)
- SS20 – SS 21: Object-oriented Programming with C++ (Bachelor) Evaluation SS20 (PDF)
- WS19/20: Research Seminar for Media Informatics (Master)
- WS19/20: Multimedia Technologies (Bachelor)
- SS19: Software-Engineering Seminar for Media Informatics (Master)
- SS19: Research Seminar for Media Informatics (Bachelor)
- WS16/17: Programming for Media Informatics (Bachelor)
- WS16/17 – WS17/18: Introduction for Media Informatics (Bachelor)
- WS15/16: Multimodal Interaction for Ubiquitous Systems (Master)
- SS13: Computer Graphics (Bachelor)
- SS09 – SS15: Special Topics in Computer Animation (Bachelor)
- SS09 – SS15: Computer Animation Course (Bachelor)
- SS09 – SS15: Game Development Course (Bachelor)
- WS11/12: Web Engineering I/II (Diploma)